


#trigger([selector], event[, options])

  • selector - optional selector to trigger the event on a nested element
  • event - the name of the event to trigger
  • options - optional event properties assigned to the event

The interactor.trigger() method will trigger any event with the specified properties on the interactor's element when the interactor is run. When given a selector, it will trigger the event on a nested element instead. It returns a new instance of the interactor with the action added to it's queue.

import { Interactor } from 'interactor.js';

await new Interactor('.foo').trigger('barevent', { baz: true });
await new Interactor().trigger('.foo', 'barevent', { baz: true });


trigger(selector, event[, options]) => Interactor

  • selector - element selector to trigger the event on
  • event - the name of the event to trigger
  • options - optional event properties assigned to the event

The trigger() action returns an interactor which will trigger any event on the specified element. The returned interactor can be run by itself, or used when composing a custom interactor.

import interactor, { trigger } from 'interactor.js';

await trigger('.foo', 'barevent');

@interactor class FooInteractor {
  triggerBar = opts => trigger('barevent', opts);

await new FooInteractor('.foo').triggerBar({ baz: true });