
Using Interactors

Lazy and immutable

Interactors are lazy and immutable, meaning you can create interactions based on other interactions and they will not actually do anything until they are run.

import { Interactor } from 'interactor.js';

let loginForm = new Interactor('.login-form');
let typeEmail = loginForm.type('.email', 'email@domain.tld');
let typePassword = loginForm.type('.password', 'CorrectHorseBatteryStaple');
let fillAndLogin = typeEmail.append(typePassword).click('.submit');
  .then(() => console.log('email entered'))
  .catch(() => console.error('error filling email'));
  .then(() => console.log('logged in'))
  .catch(() => console.error('error logging in'));

An error will be thrown when the element does not exist or when an internal validation fails. For example, you cannot type into a field when it is disabled, so an error will be thrown when attempting to type into a disabled input field.

Asynchronous behavior

When an error occurs within an interaction, that step of the interaction will be rerun until it passes, or a timeout is reached. This gives any asynchronous logic time to render any elements that have yet to be rendered or updated. The error timeout can be controlled with the timeout() method.

Interactors are themselves thennable and can be awaited on directly using await without the need to call run().

await new Interactor('.signup-form')
  // gives this entire interaction 5 seconds to take place
  // waits for each element to exist and not be disabled
  .type('.first-name', 'Name')
  .type('.last-name', 'Namerson')
  .type('.email', 'email@domain.tld')

Other actions have their own built-in validations, such as focus() ensuring that the element is focusable, and blur() ensuring that the element first has focus. To see which validations occur for an action, check out each actions corresponding API section.

Reading DOM state

In addition to interacting with DOM elements, interactors have the ability to read DOM state as well. This is useful for making assertions within tests after actions have been performed. Interactor properties are also lazy and values are computed only when accessed.

let email = new Interactor('.email');

it('shows an error for invalid email addresses', async () => {

  await email.focus().type('email.address').blur();


  await email.focus().type('@domain.tld').blur();


Built-in properties can be found here and custom properties can be created using the computed helper.